L'amour, séquence 1 : le cri

Journal des prompts Midjouney --v 5.2

Révéler le processus de génération des images par les mots, c’est conserver en mémoire un état possible de résultat d’ordres donnés. Les mêmes ordres pouvant halluciner des images différentes, c’est fixer cet état incertain ; décider dans l’indécision, donner forme à la ténuité, établir un résultat parmi tous les possibles. C’est aussi, puisque nous en sommes à l’origine, à l’apprentissage d’IA génératives telle Midjourney --v 5.2, livrer un processus, partager une recette, montrer comment une suite cinématique d’image peut être générée avec cohérence, dans et malgré un processus de génération hasardeux. L’IA ne comprend pas les significations des mots ni ne sait voir les images, c’est en insensé aveugle que le processus génératif établit, selon la règle du plus probable, un résultat.

Je dois à Etienne Mineur, suite au workshop que j’ai pu organiser dans le cadre du Centre de formation professionnelle arts de Genève, et à Lev Manovich, dont les travaux publiés m’ont été éclaireurs, quelques clefs et publier ici la recette des prompts relève aussi de la passe. Toutefois, aucun passe-partout ne permet d’ouvrir les serrures des IA génératives qui fonctionnent comme des boîtes noires, laissant le rédacteur des prompts dans l’ignorances des processus de choix comme de la mobilisation des ressources puisées dans de gigantesques bases de données. Le résultat voulu ne s’obtient que de manière expérimentale, en observant scrupuleusement chaque résultat obtenu. Hors se référer aux prompts des images similaires et user de la fonction /describe de Midjourney, c’est le regard du prompteur, sa culture linguistique et visuelle, sa capacité à rectifier par l’analyse critique les résultats reçus qui permettent par itération d’approcher le résultat cherché.

Sans doute l’IA est bien une sorte de nominalisme pictural, mais loin d’une rationalisation linguistique du visuel, elle agit comme la rencontre fortuite sur une table de dissection d’une machine à coudre et d’un parapluie.

L'amour séquence 1 planche

L’amour - séquence 1 : Le cri, suite cinématique de 28 images Midjourney --v 5.2, décembre 2023

01 L’homme

Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, white sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of akos major, silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

Vary region (tiers horizontal central)
Sands, puddles with ocean beach at low tide in background. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

Vary region (tiers horizontal droit)
Sands, puddles with ocean beach at low tide in background. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

Vary region (centre bas)
Empty wooden planks

L'amour 01-01 prompts 1 à 4

Vary region (tiers horizontal gauche)
Burst of light, shiny puddles, sand. In the style of silver and gray, flattened perspective, overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

Pan Right
Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, burst of light, shiny puddles, sand, white sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of akos major, silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

Pan Left
A 40 year old black haired man standing, blue eyes, dark gray woolen jacket, black trousers. In the style of contemplative minimalism, silver and gray, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 75mm, f/18.0

Photoshop : recadrage 16/9, remplissage génératif (bord supérieur)

L'amour 01-01 prompts 5 à 7

02 Le marcheur

02-1 = 01-1
Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, white sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of akos major, silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

02-2 = 01-2
Vary region (tiers horizontal central)
Sands, puddles with ocean beach at low tide in background. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

02-3 = 01-3
Vary region (tiers horizontal droit)
Sands, puddles with ocean beach at low tide in background. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

02-4 = 01-4
Vary region (centre bas)
Empty wooden planks

Vary region (tiers horizontal central)
Two men walking in profile towards each other, gray clothes. In the style of misty atmosphere, muted tones, dutch seascapes, uhd image, associated press photo

L'amour 01-02 prompts 1 à 5

Vary region (effacement de l’homme de droite)
Ocean beach at low tide, white sky. In the style of misty atmosphere, muted tones, dutch seascapes, uhd image, associated press photo

Pan left
A 40 year old black haired man from behind standing, dark gray woolen jacket, black trousers. In the style of contemplative minimalism, silver and gray, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 300mm, f/18.0

Pan left
Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, white sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of akos major, silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

Le marcheur
Photoshop : recadrage 16/9, remplissage génératif (bord supérieur)

L'amour 01-02 prompts 6 à 8

03 Le triangle

03-1 = 02-1 = 01-1
Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, white sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of akos major, silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

03-2 = 02-2 = 01-2
Vary region (tiers horizontal central)
Sands, puddles with ocean beach at low tide in background. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

03-3 = 02-3 = 01-3
Vary region (tiers horizontal droit)
Sands, puddles with ocean beach at low tide in background. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

03-4 = 02-4 = 01-4
Vary region (centre bas)
Empty wooden planks

03-5 = 02-5
Vary region (tiers horizontal central)
Two men walking in profile towards each other, gray clothes. In the style of misty atmosphere, muted tones, dutch seascapes, uhd image, associated press photo

L'amour 01-03 prompts 1 à 5

Vary region (effacement de l’homme de gauche)
Ocean beach at low tide, white sky. In the style of misty atmosphere, muted tones, dutch seascapes, uhd image, associated press photo

Pan left
Perspective view of a mid-height low gray concrete wall, a 40 year old woman leaning against the low gray concrete wall behind her, black short hair, dark gray clothes, sitting in profile, with mid-height gray concrete wall in background. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 50mm, f/18.0

Pan right
A 40 year old black haired man from behind standing, dark gray woolen jacket, black trousers, brown shoes, wooden planks. In the style of contemplative minimalism, silver and gray, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 300mm, f/18.0

Le triangle
Photoshop : recadrage 16/9, remplissage génératif (bord supérieur)

L'amour 01-03 prompts 6 à 8

04 Le regard

04-1 = 03-1 = 02-1 = 01-1
Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, white sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of akos major, silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

04-2 = 03-2 = 02-2 = 01-2
Vary region (tiers horizontal central)
Sands, puddles with ocean beach at low tide in background. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

04-3 = 03-3 = 02-3 = 01-3
Vary region (tiers horizontal droit)
Sands, puddles with ocean beach at low tide in background. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

04-4 = 03-4 = 02-4 = 01-4
Vary region (centre bas)
Empty wooden planks

04-5 = 03-5 = 02-5
Vary region (tiers horizontal central)
Two men walking in profile towards each other, gray clothes. In the style of misty atmosphere, muted tones, dutch seascapes, uhd image, associated press photo

L'amour 01-04 prompts 1 à 5

04-6 = 02-6
Vary region (effacement de l’homme de droite)
Ocean beach at low tide, white sky. In the style of misty atmosphere, muted tones, dutch seascapes, uhd image, associated press photo

Vary region (ciel)
Flat light gray sky::clouds::-0.5, ocean at low tide. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 28mm, f/18.0

Pan left
Profile quarter back view of a 40 year old black haired man standing, dark gray woolen jacket, black trousers, brown shoes, wooden planks. In the style of contemplative minimalism, silver and gray, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 300mm, f/18.0

L'amour 01-04 prompts 6 à 8

Make square

Pan Left
Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, light gray sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of akos major, silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 35mm, f/18. 0

Pan Left
Perspective view of a mid-height low gray concrete wall, a 40 year old woman leaning against the low gray concrete wall behind her, black short hair, dark gray clothes, sitting in profile, with mid-height gray concrete wall in background. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 50mm, f/18.0

Le regard
Photoshop : recadrage 16/9, remplissage génératif (bord supérieur)

L'amour 01-04 prompts 9 à 11

05 La digue

05-1 = 04-1 = 03-1 = 02-1 = 01-1
Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, white sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of akos major, silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

05-2 = 04-2 = 03-2 = 02-2 = 01-2
Vary region (tiers horizontal central)
Sands, puddles with ocean beach at low tide in background. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

05-3 = 04-3 = 03-3 = 02-3 = 01-3
Vary region (tiers horizontal droit)
Sands, puddles with ocean beach at low tide in background. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

05-4 = 04-4 = 03-4 = 02-4 = 01-4
Vary region (centre bas)
Empty wooden planks

05-5 = 04-5 = 03-5 = 02-5
Vary region (tiers horizontal central)
Two men walking in profile towards each other, gray clothes. In the style of misty atmosphere, muted tones, dutch seascapes, uhd image, associated press photo

L'amour 01-05 prompts 1 à 5

05-6 = 03-6
Vary region (effacement de l’homme de gauche)
Ocean beach at low tide, white sky. In the style of misty atmosphere, muted tones, dutch seascapes, uhd image, associated press photo

Pan right
Ocean beach at low tide, light gray sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of akos major, silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 35mm, f/18.0

Pan right
A low concrete dike, ocean beach at low tide, light gray sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of silver and gray flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 35mm, f/18.0

L'amour 01-05 prompts 6 à 8

Make square

Vary region (angle inférieur droit)
Flat sands, ocean beach at low tide. In the style of overexposed silver flattened perspective, diffused white light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 35mm, f/18.0, overexposure

Vary region (prolongation de la digue)
Dike. In the style of overexposed silver flattened perspective, diffused white light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 35mm, f/18.0, overexposure

Vary region (pied de la digue)
Ocean at low tide. In the style of overexposed silver flattened perspective, diffused white light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 35mm, f/18.0, overexposure

Vary region (ciel)
Flat gray sky::clouds::-0.5, ocean beach at low tide. In the style of gray flattened perspective, diffused dark gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 35mm, f/18.0

Vary region (angle inférieur droit)
Profile view of a 40 year old black haired man sitting on sand, dark gray woolen jacket, black trousers, brown shoes. In the style of contemplative minimalism, silver and gray, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 300mm, f/18.0

L'amour 01-05 prompts 9 à 14

Vary region (tiers bas)
Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, white sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of akos major, silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

Pan left
Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, white sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

La digue - 2 champ
Photoshop : recadrage 16/9

Pan left
Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, white sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

L'amour 01-05 prompts 15 à 17

Pan left
Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, white sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Pan left
Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, white sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

L'amour 01-05 prompts 18 à 19

Pan left
A low gray concrete wall, distant 40 year old woman leaning against the low gray concrete wall behind her, black short hair, dark gray clothes, sitting in far distance, with low gray concrete wall in background. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 50mm, f/18.0

L'amour 01-05 prompt 20

Make square
Upsacle 2x

Photoshop : recadrage 16/9, remplissage génératif (bord supérieur)

La digue - 1 ensemble
Photoshop : retouche (abaissement du mur, remplissage du ciel)

L'amour 01-05 prompts 21 à 23

06 Le cri

06-1 = 05-1 = 04-1 = 03-1 = 02-1 = 01-1
Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, white sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of akos major, silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

06-2 = 05-2 = 04-2 = 03-2 = 02-2 = 01-2
Vary region (tiers horizontal central)
Sands, puddles with ocean beach at low tide in background. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

06-3 = 05-4 = 04-3 = 03-3 = 02-3 = 01-3
Vary region (tiers horizontal droit)
Sands, puddles with ocean beach at low tide in background. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

06-4 = 05-4 = 04-4 = 03-4 = 02-4 = 01-4
Vary region (centre bas)
Empty wooden planks

06-5 = 05-5 = 04-5 = 03-5 = 02-5
Vary region (tiers horizontal central)
Two men walking in profile towards each other, gray clothes. In the style of misty atmosphere, muted tones, dutch seascapes, uhd image, associated press photo

L'amour 01-06 prompts 1 à 5

06-6 = 05-6 = 03-6
Vary region (effacement de l’homme de gauche)
Ocean beach at low tide, white sky. In the style of misty atmosphere, muted tones, dutch seascapes, uhd image, associated press photo

06-7 = 05.7
Pan right
Ocean beach at low tide, light gray sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of akos major, silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 35mm, f/18.0

06-8 = 05-8
Pan right
A low concrete dike, ocean beach at low tide, light gray sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of silver and gray flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 35mm, f/18.0

L'amour 01-06 prompts 6 à 8

06-9 = 05-9
Make square

06-10 = 05-10
Vary region (angle inférieur droit)
Flat sands, ocean beach at low tide. In the style of overexposed silver flattened perspective, diffused white light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 35mm, f/18.0, overexposure

06-11 = 05-11
Vary region (prolongation de la digue)
Dike. In the style of overexposed silver flattened perspective, diffused white light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 35mm, f/18.0, overexposure

06-12 = 05-12
Vary region (pied de la digue)
Ocean at low tide. In the style of overexposed silver flattened perspective, diffused white light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 35mm, f/18.0, overexposure

06-13 = 05-13
Vary region (ciel)
Flat gray sky::clouds::-0.5, ocean beach at low tide. In the style of gray flattened perspective, diffused dark gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 35mm, f/18.0

06-14 = 05-14
Vary region (angle inférieur droit)
Profile view of a 40 year old black haired man sitting on sand, dark gray woolen jacket, black trousers, brown shoes. In the style of contemplative minimalism, silver and gray, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 300mm, f/18.0

L'amour 01-06 prompts 9 à 14

06-15 = 05-15
Vary region (tiers bas)
Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, white sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of akos major, silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

Vary region (visage)
Profile view of a 40 year old black haired man rising head up to the sky. In the style of contemplative minimalism, silver and gray, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 300mm, f/18.0

Vary region (ciel droite)
Flat dark gray sky::clouds::-0.5, ocean beach at low tide. In the style of gray flattened perspective, diffused dark gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 35mm, f/18.0, underexposure

Vary region (bande verticale centrée)
Vertical white sunbeam shine

Le cri - 1 rapproché
Upscale 4x
Photoshop : recadrage 16/9

L'amour 01-06 prompts 15 à 18

Pan left
Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, white sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Le cri - 2 champ
Photoshop : recadrage 16/9

Pan left
Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, white sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Pan left
Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, white sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

L'amour 01-06 prompts 19 à 21

Pan left
Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, white sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Pan left
A low gray concrete wall, distant 40 year old crying head in hands woman leaning against the low gray concrete wall behind her, black short hair, dark gray clothes, prostate sitting in far distance, with low gray concrete wall in background. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 50mm, f/18.0

Le cri - 4 contrechamp
Photoshop : recadrage 16/9

L'amour 01-06 prompts 22 à 23

Make square
Upsacle 2x

Photoshop : recadrage 16/9, remplissage génératif (bord supérieur)

Le cri - 3 ensemble
Photoshop : retouche (abaissement du mur, rectification du ciel)

L'amour 01-06 prompts 24 à 26

07 Les mouettes

07-1 = 06-1 = 05-1 = 04-1 = 03-1 = 02-1 = 01-1
Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, white sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of akos major, silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

07-2 = 06-2 = 05-2 = 04-2 = 03-2 = 02-2 = 01-2
Vary region (tiers horizontal central)
Sands, puddles with ocean beach at low tide in background. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

07-3 = 06-3 = 05-4 = 04-3 = 03-3 = 02-3 = 01-3
Vary region (tiers horizontal droit)
Sands, puddles with ocean beach at low tide in background. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, overexposed diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0, overexposure

07-4 = 06-4 = 05-4 = 04-4 = 03-4 = 02-4 = 01-4
Vary region (centre bas)
Empty wooden planks

L'amour 01-07 prompts 1 à 4

07-5 = 06-5 = 05-5 = 04-5 = 03-5 = 02-5
Vary region (tiers horizontal central)
Two men walking in profile towards each other, gray clothes. In the style of misty atmosphere, muted tones, dutch seascapes, uhd image, associated press photo

07-6 = 04-6 = 02-6
Vary region (effacement de l’homme de droite)
Ocean beach at low tide, white sky. In the style of misty atmosphere, muted tones, dutch seascapes, uhd image, associated press photo

07-7 = 04-7
Vary region (ciel)
Flat light gray sky::clouds::-0.5, ocean at low tide. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 28mm, f/18.0

Vary region (ciel)
Flat medium-dark gray sky::clouds::-0.5, ocean at low tide. In the style of medium-dark gray, contemplative, flattened perspective, diffused dark gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 28mm, f/18.0

L'amour 01-07 prompts 5 à 8

Vary region (ciel)
Far swarm of white seagulls, flat medium-dark gray sky::clouds::-0.5, ocean at low tide. In the style of medium-dark gray, contemplative, flattened perspective, diffused dark gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 28mm, f/18.0

Pan right
Profile view of a 40 year old black haired man in profile, dark gray woolen jacket, black trousers. In the style of contemplative minimalism, silver and gray, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level profile view with a Zeiss 75mm, f/18.0

Pan right
Sands, puddles with ocean beach at low tide in background. In the style of silver and gray, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Les mouettes
Photoshop : recadrage 16/9, remplissage génératif (bord supérieur)

L'amour 01-07 prompts 9 à 11

08 La rencontre

Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, mid-dark::gray::0.5 pale soft::blue::0.2 dull flat sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of akos major, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft pale blue, dull light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Vary region (ciel)
Gray flat sky::clouds::-0.5 photography::gray::0.5 pale soft::blue::0.2. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft pale blue, dull light, with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Vary region (tiers central)
Flat shiny sands, shiny puddles, ocean beach at low tide. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft pale blue, dull light, with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Pan left
A low gray concrete wall, distant 40 year old woman leaning against the low gray concrete wall behind her, black short hair, dark gray clothes, sitting in far distance, frontal head, with low gray concrete wall in background. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft blue light, with a Zeiss 50mm, f/18.0

Make square

L'amour 01-08 prompts 1 à 5

Vary region (haut du mur)
Gray flat sky. In the style of contemplative diffused mid-dark gray light, with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Pan right
Profile view of a 40 year old black haired man, standing, dark gray woolen jacket, black trousers. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft blue light, with a Zeiss 50mm, f/18.0

Pan right
Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, mid-dark::gray::0.5 pale soft::blue::0.2 dull flat sky::clouds::-0.5 with far swarm of white seagulls. In the style of contemplative atmospheric effects, diffused gray soft blue light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

La rencontre
Photoshop : recadrage 16/9, remplissage génératif (bord supérieur)

L'amour 01-08 prompts 6 à 8

09 Le dialogue

09-1 = 08-1
Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, mid-dark::gray::0.5 pale soft::blue::0.2 dull flat sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of akos major, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft pale blue, dull light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

09-2 = 08-2
Vary region (ciel)
Gray flat sky::clouds::-0.5 photography::gray::0.5 pale soft::blue::0.2. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft pale blue, dull light, with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

09-3 = 08-3
Vary region (tiers central)
Flat shiny sands, shiny puddles, ocean beach at low tide. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft pale blue, dull light, with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

09-4 = 08-4
Pan left
A low gray concrete wall, distant 40 year old woman leaning against the low gray concrete wall behind her, black short hair, dark gray clothes, sitting in far distance, frontal head, with low gray concrete wall in background. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft blue light, with a Zeiss 50mm, f/18.0

09-5 = 08-5
Make square

09-6 = 08-6
Vary region (haut du mur)
Gray flat sky. In the style of contemplative diffused mid-dark gray light, with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

L'amour 01-09 prompts 1 à 6

Vary region (mur)
A 40 year old black haired man standing back against the wall, dark gray woolen jacket, black trousers. In the style of contemplative diffused gray light, with a Zeiss 50mm, f/18.0

Pan right
Ocean beach at low tide in background, mid-dark::gray::0.5 pale soft::blue::0.2 flat sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of contemplative atmospheric effects, diffused gray soft blue light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Pan right
Ocean beach at low tide in background, mid-dark::gray::0.5 pale soft::blue::0.2 flat sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of contemplative atmospheric effects, diffused gray soft blue light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Le dialogue
Photoshop : recadrage 16/9

L'amour 01-09 prompts 7 à 9

10 Ici, c’est S. Thala

A flat sand beach at low tide, viewed from the ocean, mid-dark::gray::0.5 pale soft::blue::0.2 dull flat sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of akos major, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft pale blue, dull lightning. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 300mm, f/18.0

Vary region (ciel)
Gray flat sky::clouds::-0.5 photography::gray::0.5 pale soft::blue::0.2. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft pale blue, dull light, with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Vary region (tiers central)
Flat shiny sands. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft pale blue, dull light, with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Vary region (tiers droit)
A gray concrete wall. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft pale blue, with a Zeiss 300mm, f/18.0

L'amour 01-10 prompts 1 à 4

Vary region (bas du mur)
Wooden planks. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused gray soft pale blue lightning, with a Zeiss 300mm, f/18.0

Vary region (épaisseur du mur)
Dark gray concrete wall. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused dark gray soft pale blue, with a Zeiss 300mm, f/18.0

Vary region (angle du mur)
A 40 year old woman seating on wooden planks, leaning against the low gray concrete wall behind her, short black hair, dark gray clothes. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft blue light, with a Zeiss 50mm, f/18.0

Vary region (bord inférieur)
Flat gray sands. In the style of contemplative atmospheric effects, diffused dark gray soft blue light, with a Zeiss 28mm, f/18.0

Vary region (horizon gauche)
Far distant, out of focus, gray::red::-0.5, blue::yellow::-0.5 east asian town at early dusk::lights::-0.5, colonial casino, ocean at low tide, gray sky. In the style of contemplative blurred monochromatic gray blue photography, diffused dark gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 28mm, f/4.0

L'amour 01-10 prompts 5 à 9

Pan right
Concrete gray wall. In the style of diffused dark gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 28mm, f/4.0

Make square

Vary region (mur)
Profile view of a 40 year old man standing still, gray black hair, dark gray woolen jacket, black trousers, black shoes. In the style of diffused dark gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Pan left
Far distant, out of focus, gray east asian town at early dusk::lights::-0.5, colonial casino, ocean at low tide, gray sky. In the style of contemplative blurred monochromatic gray blue photography, diffused dark gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 28mm, f/4.0, shallow DoF --v 5.0

Make square

L'amour 01-10 prompts 10 à 14

Pan left
Far distant, out of focus, gray east asian town at early dusk::lights::-0.5, palm trees, ocean at low tide, gray sky. In the style of contemplative blurred photography, diffused dark gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 28mm, f/4.0, shallow DoF

Pan left
South east Asian river estuary. In the style of contemplative blurred photography, diffused dark gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 28mm, f/4.0, shallow DoF

Ici, c’est S. Thala - 1 rapproché

Ici, c’est S. Thala - 2 ensemble
Photoshop : retouche (floutage ciel, et ville), obscurcissement, recadrage 16/9

L'amour 01-10 prompts 15 à 17

11 L’approche

11-1 = 09-1 = 08-1
Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, mid-dark::gray::0.5 pale soft::blue::0.2 dull flat sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of akos major, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft pale blue, dull light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

11-2 = 09-2 = 08-2
Vary region (ciel)
Gray flat sky::clouds::-0.5 photography::gray::0.5 pale soft::blue::0.2. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft pale blue, dull light, with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

11-3 = 09-3 = 08-3
Vary region (tiers central)
Flat shiny sands, shiny puddles, ocean beach at low tide. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft pale blue, dull light, with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

11-4 = 09-4 = 08-4
Pan left
A low gray concrete wall, distant 40 year old woman leaning against the low gray concrete wall behind her, black short hair, dark gray clothes, sitting in far distance, frontal head, with low gray concrete wall in background. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft blue light, with a Zeiss 50mm, f/18.0

11-5 = 09-5 = 08-5
Make square

L'amour 01-11 prompts 1 à 5

11-6 = 09-6 = 08-6
Vary region (haut du mur)
Gray flat sky. In the style of contemplative diffused mid-dark gray light, with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

11-7 = 09-7
Vary region (mur)
A 40 year old black haired man standing back against the wall, dark gray woolen jacket, black trousers. In the style of contemplative diffused gray light, with a Zeiss 50mm, f/18.0

Vary region (tête de l’homme)
A 40 year old black haired man head turned back::beard::-0.5. In the style of contemplative diffused gray light, with a Zeiss 50mm, f/18.0

Vary region (tête de la femme)
A 40 year old woman, black short haired, head turned back, looking away. In the style of contemplative diffused gray light, with a Zeiss 50mm, f/18.0

Vary region (horizon droit)
Ocean beach at low tide with a distant man standing. In the style of diffused gray light photography, with a Zeiss 300mm, f/18.0

L'amour 01-11 prompts 6 à 10

Vary region (ciel droit)
Very distant view of swarm of white seagulls, flat medium-dark gray sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of medium-dark gray, contemplative, flattened perspective, diffused dark gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 28mm, f/18.0

Pan right
Ocean beach at low tide in background, mid-dark::gray::0.5 pale soft::blue::0.2 flat sky::clouds::-0.5, with very distant view of swarm of white seagulls. In the style of contemplative atmospheric effects, diffused gray soft blue light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Pan right
Ocean beach at low tide in background, mid-dark::gray::0.5 pale soft::blue::0.2 flat sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of contemplative atmospheric effects, diffused gray soft blue light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Photoshop : recadrage 16/9

L'amour 01-11 prompts 11 à 13

12 Le marcheur

12-1 = 11-1 = 09-1 = 08-1
Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, mid-dark::gray::0.5 pale soft::blue::0.2 dull flat sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of akos major, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft pale blue, dull light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

12-2 = 11-2 = 09-2 = 08-2
Vary region (ciel)
Gray flat sky::clouds::-0.5 photography::gray::0.5 pale soft::blue::0.2. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft pale blue, dull light, with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

12-3 = 11-3 = 09-3 = 08-3
Vary region (tiers central)
Flat shiny sands, shiny puddles, ocean beach at low tide. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft pale blue, dull light, with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

12-4 = 11-4 = 09-4 = 08-4
Pan left
A low gray concrete wall, distant 40 year old woman leaning against the low gray concrete wall behind her, black short hair, dark gray clothes, sitting in far distance, frontal head, with low gray concrete wall in background. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft blue light, with a Zeiss 50mm, f/18.0

12-5 = 11-5 = 09-5 = 08-5
Make square

L'amour 01-12 prompts 1 à 5

12-6 = 11-6 = 09-6 = 08-6
Vary region (haut du mur)
Gray flat sky. In the style of contemplative diffused mid-dark gray light, with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Vary region (mur)
A 40 year old black haired man standing, head turned back, looking up at the background, dark gray woolen jacket, black trousers. In the style of contemplative diffused gray light, with a Zeiss 50mm, f/18.0

Vary region (visage femme)
A 40 year old woman lifting head, looking up, black short hair. In the style of contemplative diffused gray light, with a Zeiss 50mm, f/18.0

Vary region (tiers droit)
Backlight front view of a 40 year old bald man standing, shadowed gray face, black jacket, black trousers, shoes. In the style of contemplative diffused dark blue gray backlight, with a Zeiss 75mm, f/18.0

L'amour 01-12 prompts 6 à 9

Vary region (ciel droit)
Very distant view of swarm of white seagulls, flat medium-dark gray sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of medium-dark gray, contemplative, flattened perspective, diffused dark gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 28mm, f/18.0

Pan right
Ocean beach at low tide in background, mid-dark::gray::0.5 pale soft::blue::0.2 flat sky::clouds::-0.5, very distant view of swarm of white seagulls. In the style of contemplative atmospheric effects, diffused gray soft blue light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Pan right
Ocean, flat gray sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of diffused gray soft blue light, with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Le marcheur
Photoshop : recadrage 16/9

L'amour 01-12 prompts 10 à 12

13 La lumière

13-1 = 12-1 = 11-1 = 09-1 = 08-1
Empty wooden planks as a ground with ocean beach at low tide in background, mid-dark::gray::0.5 pale soft::blue::0.2 dull flat sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of akos major, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft pale blue, dull light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

13-2 = 12-2 = 11-2 = 09-2 = 08-2
Vary region (ciel)
Gray flat sky::clouds::-0.5 photography::gray::0.5 pale soft::blue::0.2. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft pale blue, dull light, with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

13-3 = 12-3 = 11-3 = 09-3 = 08-3
Vary region (tiers central)
Flat shiny sands, shiny puddles, ocean beach at low tide. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft pale blue, dull light, with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

13-4 = 12-4 = 11-4 = 09-4 = 08-4
Pan left
A low gray concrete wall, distant 40 year old woman leaning against the low gray concrete wall behind her, black short hair, dark gray clothes, sitting in far distance, frontal head, with low gray concrete wall in background. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft blue light, with a Zeiss 50mm, f/18.0

13-5 = 12-5 = 11-5 = 09-5 = 08-5
Make square

L'amour 01-13 prompts 1 à 5

13-6 = 12-6 = 11-6 = 09-6 = 08-6
Vary region (haut du mur)
Gray flat sky. In the style of contemplative diffused mid-dark gray light, with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

13-7 = 12-7
Vary region (mur)
A 40 year old black haired man standing, head turned back, looking up at the background, dark gray woolen jacket, black trousers. In the style of contemplative diffused gray light, with a Zeiss 50mm, f/18.0

13-8 = 12-8
Vary region (visage femme)
A 40 year old woman lifting head, looking up, black short hair. In the style of contemplative diffused gray light, with a Zeiss 50mm, f/18.0

13-9 = 12-9
Vary region (tiers droit)
Backlight front view of a 40 year old bald man standing, shadowed gray face, black jacket, black trousers, shoes. In the style of contemplative diffused dark blue gray backlight, with a Zeiss 75mm, f/18.0

L'amour 01-13 prompts 6 à 9

Vary region (ciel)
Bright white surface

Vary region (tête du marcheur)
Backlight front view of the head of a 40 year old bald man speaking, face in gray shadow::sunglasses::-0.5. In the style of contemplative diffused dark blue gray backlight, with a Zeiss 100mm, f/18.0

La lumière - 1 ensemble
Upscale 2x
Photoshop : éclaircissement, recadrage 16/9

La lumière - 2 rapproché
Upscale 4x
Photoshop : éclaircissement, recadrage 16/9

L'amour 01-13 prompts 10 à 12

14 C’est encore S. Thala

14-1 = 10-1
A flat sand beach at low tide, viewed from the ocean, mid-dark::gray::0.5 pale soft::blue::0.2 dull flat sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of akos major, contemplative minimalism, flattened perspective, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft pale blue, dull lightning. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 300mm, f/18.0

14-2 = 10-2
Vary region (ciel)
Gray flat sky::clouds::-0.5 photography::gray::0.5 pale soft::blue::0.2. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft pale blue, dull light, with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

14-3 = 10-3
Vary region (tiers central)
Flat shiny sands. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft pale blue, dull light, with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

14-4 = 10-4
Vary region (tiers droit)
A gray concrete wall. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft pale blue, with a Zeiss 300mm, f/18.0

L'amour 01-14 prompts 1 à 4

14-5 = 10-5
Vary region (bas du mur)
Wooden planks. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused gray soft pale blue lightning, with a Zeiss 300mm, f/18.0

14-6 = 10-6
Vary region (épaisseur du mur)
Dark gray concrete wall. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused dark gray soft pale blue, with a Zeiss 300mm, f/18.0

14-7 = 10-7
Vary region (angle du mur)
A 40 year old woman seating on wooden planks, leaning against the low gray concrete wall behind her, short black hair, dark gray clothes. In the style of contemplative minimalism, atmospheric effects, diffused mid-dark gray soft blue light, with a Zeiss 50mm, f/18.0

14-8 = 10-8
Vary region (bord inférieur)
Flat gray sands. In the style of contemplative atmospheric effects, diffused dark gray soft blue light, with a Zeiss 28mm, f/18.0

14-9 = 10-9
Vary region (horizon gauche)
Far distant, out of focus, gray::red::-0.5 , blue::yellow::-0.5 east asian town at early dusk::lights::-0.5, colonial casino, ocean at low tide, gray sky. In the style of contemplative blurred monochromatic gray blue photography, diffused dark gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 28mm, f/4.0

L'amour 01-14 prompts 5 à 9

14-10 = 10-10
Pan right
Concrete gray wall. In the style of diffused dark gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 28mm, f/4.0

14-11 = 10-11
Make square

14-12 = 10-12
Vary region (mur)
Profile view of a 40 year old man standing still, gray black hair, dark gray woolen jacket, black trousers, black shoes. In the style of diffused dark gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

14-13 = 10-13
Pan left
Far distant, out of focus, gray east asian town at early dusk::lights::-0.5, colonial casino, ocean at low tide, gray sky. In the style of contemplative blurred monochromatic gray blue photography, diffused dark gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 28mm, f/4.0, shallow DoF --v 5.0

14-14 = 10-14
Make square

L'amour 01-14 prompts 10 à 14

14-15 = 10-15
Pan left
Far distant, out of focus, gray east asian town at early dusk::lights::-0.5, palm trees, ocean at low tide, gray sky. In the style of contemplative blurred photography, diffused dark gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 28mm, f/4.0, shallow DoF

14-16 = 10-16
Pan left
South east Asian river estuary. In the style of contemplative blurred photography, diffused dark gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 28mm, f/4.0, shallow DoF

Make square

L'amour 01-14 prompts 15 à 17

Vary region (tiers inférieur)
Shiny flat sands. In the style of contemplative diffused gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 28mm, f/4.0, shallow DoF

Vary region (gauche du mur)
Back view of a 40 year old bald man standing, black jacket, black trousers, shoes. In the style of contemplative diffused dark blue gray backlight, with a Zeiss 75mm, f/18.0

Upscale 4x
Topaz Gigapixel AI : upscale Art & CG 4x
Photoshop : retouches (visages et ombrage, floutage du fond)

C’est encore S. Thala - 1 rapproché
Photoshop : désaturation, luminosité et contrastes, recadrage 16/9

L'amour 01-14 prompts 18 à 21

Pan left
River estuary. In the style of contemplative blurred photography, diffused dark gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 28mm, f/4.0, shallow DoF

C’est encore S. Thala - 2 ensemble
Photoshop : désaturation des cyans et des bleus, retouche (floutage du ciel), recadrage 16/9

L'amour 01-14 prompts 22 à 23

Pan left
River bank, sands. In the style of contemplative blurred photography, diffused dark gray light. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 28mm, f/4.0, shallow DoF

C’est encore S. Thala - 3 général
Photoshop : désaturation des cyans, retouche (floutage du ciel), recadrage 16/9

L'amour 01-14 prompts 24 à 25

15 Le départ

Flat soft sands, puddles as a ground with sand ocean beach at low tide in background, dark gray flat sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of akos major, contemplative minimalism, dutch landscape painting, flattened perspective, atmospheric effects, diffused gray blue, dark dusk lightning. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Vary region (ciel)
Gray flat sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of contemplative minimalism, dutch landscape painting, flattened perspective, atmospheric effects, diffused gray blue, dark dusk. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Vary region (horizon)
Flat ocean. In the style of contemplative minimalism, dutch landscape painting, flattened perspective, atmospheric effects, diffused gray blue, dark dusk. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Vary region (tiers bas)
Flat sands. In the style of contemplative minimalism, dutch landscape painting, flattened perspective, atmospheric effects, diffused gray blue, dark dusk. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Vary region (bord inférieur)
Empty wooden planks. In the style of contemplative minimalism, dutch landscape painting, flattened perspective, atmospheric effects, diffused gray blue, dark dusk. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

L'amour 01-15 prompts 1 à 5

Vary region (tiers gauche centré)
Back view of a bald man walking, black jacket, black trousers. In the style of contemplative flattened perspective, atmospheric effects, diffused gray blue, dark dusk. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Pan left
Back view of a woman, short black hair, gray jacket, black trousers. In the style of contemplative flattened perspective, atmospheric effects, diffused gray blue. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 75mm, f/18.0

Pan Left
Profile view of a black short haired 40 year old man leaning against a low gray concrete wall behind him, gray jacket, black trousers, with gray concrete wall in background. In the style of contemplative flattened perspective, atmospheric effects, diffused gray blue. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 50mm, f/18.0

Pan Left
A gray concrete wall. In the style of contemplative flattened perspective, atmospheric effects, diffused gray blue. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 50mm, f/18.0

Le départ
Photoshop : recadrage 16/9, remplissage génératif (bord supérieur)

L'amour 01-15 prompts 6 à 9

16 Nuit

16-1 = 15-1
Flat soft sands, puddles as a ground with sand ocean beach at low tide in background, dark gray flat sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of akos major, contemplative minimalism, dutch landscape painting, flattened perspective, atmospheric effects, diffused gray blue, dark dusk lightning. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

16-2 = 15-2
Vary region (ciel)
Gray flat sky::clouds::-0.5. In the style of contemplative minimalism, dutch landscape painting, flattened perspective, atmospheric effects, diffused gray blue, dark dusk. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

16-3 = 15-3
Vary region (horizon)
Flat ocean. In the style of contemplative minimalism, dutch landscape painting, flattened perspective, atmospheric effects, diffused gray blue, dark dusk. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

16-4 = 15-4
Vary region (tiers bas)
Flat sands. In the style of contemplative minimalism, dutch landscape painting, flattened perspective, atmospheric effects, diffused gray blue, dark dusk. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

L'amour 01-16 prompts 1 à 4

16-5 = 15-5
Vary region (bord inférieur)
Empty wooden planks. In the style of contemplative minimalism, dutch landscape painting, flattened perspective, atmospheric effects, diffused gray blue, dark dusk. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Pan down
Empty wooden planks. In the style of contemplative minimalism, dutch landscape painting, flattened perspective, atmospheric effects, diffused gray blue, dark dusk. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 150mm, f/18.0

Make square

Vary region (tiers bas)
Close-up back view of two people sitting on benches, wooden planks in background. In the style of contemplative flattened perspective, atmospheric effects, diffused gray blue, dark dusk. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 300mm, f/18.0

Pan left
Wooden planks, ocean beach at low tide, very distant profile view of a 40 year old man on the wooden planks, gray jacket, black trousers, black shoes. In the style of contemplative flattened perspective, atmospheric effects, diffused gray blue, dark dusk. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 300mm, f/18.0

L'amour 01-16 prompts 5 à 9

Pan right
Very distant dog on the wooden planks, distant concrete dike in background. In the style of contemplative flattened perspective, diffused gray blue. Eye-level view with a Zeiss 300mm, f/18.0

Camera raw : vignette, correction du voile
Photoshop : recadrage 16/9, remplissage génératif (bord supérieur)

L'amour 01-16 prompts 10 à 11

17 La lettre

Birdview of a 40 year old black haired man in gray shirt viewed from the back, writing a letter at an empty gray desk, empty gray hotel room by night, in the style of 32k uhd, contemplative flattened perspective, diffused gray, top view with a Zeiss Distagon T* 2,8/15 ZM, f/18.0 --ar 16:9

Vary region (gauche de la table)
Empty gray desk by night, in the style of 32k uhd, contemplative flattened perspective, diffused gray, top view with a Zeiss Distagon T* 2,8/15 ZM, f/18.0

Vary region (main écrivant)
Writing on a paper by night, in the style of 32k uhd, contemplative flattened perspective, diffused gray, top view with a Zeiss Distagon T* 2,8/15 ZM, f/18.0

L'amour 01-17 prompts 1 à 3

Vary region (angle supérieur gauche)
Empty black blue sky through the window::light::-0.5, by night, in the style of 32k uhd, contemplative flattened perspective, diffused gray, top view with a Zeiss Distagon T* 2,8/15 ZM, f/18.0

Vary region (buste de l’homme)
Back view of a 40 year old man right handwriting on a paper, black hair, gray skirt. In the style of 32k uhd, contemplative flattened perspective, diffused gray, top view with a Zeiss Distagon T* 2,8/15 ZM, f/18.0

La lettre - 1 ensemble
Upscale 4x
Photoshop : retouche (floutage de la vue fenêtre, jaunissement de la feuille), écriture
: «S. Thala, S. Thala, S. Thala» (feuille de gauche), «S. Thala, 14 septembre. Ne venez plus, ce n’est plus la peine» (feuille de droite)

La lettre - 2 rapproché
Photoshop : obscurcissement, recadrage 16/9

L'amour 01-17 prompts 4 à 6

18 La chambre

Medium high-angle shot of an empty narrow gray old clean hotel room with a 40 year old black haired man in gray shirt and black trousers lying on a gray covered single bed, by night::light::-0.5. In the style of 32k uhd, contemplative flattened perspective, diffused gray, medium high-angle shot with a Zeiss Distagon T* 2,8/15 --ar 16:9

Upscale 2x
La chambre - 2 rapproché

Vary region (lit)
Empty gray covered single bed, by night::light::-0.5. In the style of 32k uhd, contemplative flattened perspective, diffused gray, medium high-angle shot with a Zeiss Distagon T* 2,8/15

Pan right
Wood chair, gray desk, window, old hotel room by night::light::-0.5. In the style of 32k uhd, contemplative flattened perspective, diffused blue gray, medium high-angle shot with a Zeiss 35mm, f/18.0

L'amour 01-18 prompts 1 à 3

Make square

Vary region (fenêtre) Night sky through the window, old hotel room. In the style of 32k uhd, contemplative flattened perspective, diffused blue gray, medium high-angle shot with a Zeiss 35mm, f/18.0

Vary region (tiers gauche bas)
Backlight front view of a 40 year old man walking, black hair, dark gray casual shirt, black trousers. In the style of 32k uhd, contemplative flattened perspective, diffused blue gray, medium high-angle shot with a Zeiss 35mm, f/18.0

La chambre - 1 ensemble
Upscale 2x
Photoshop : retouche (assombrissement fenêtre, visage et chemise), recadrage 16/9

L'amour 01-18 prompts 4 à 7

L'amour, séquence 1 : le cri

L'amour séquence 1 planche

Marguerite Duras avait-elle même réalisé une adaptation filmique de L’amour, en tournant La femme du Gange en 1974. La vision de ses 172 plans fixes signés par Bruno Nuytten n’avait que partiellement recouvert les images que je m’étais forgées à la lecture du texte. Depuis, j’ai toujours imaginé réaliser les photographies, voire un projet filmique, de ces images. En quête de lieux, j’avais cherché le long du rivage lémanique de Vevey un mur, une digue, une grève suggérant la plage à marée basse, un hôtel-casino (le château de l’Aile et la salle du Castillo, peut-être la colonnade de la Grenette). J’avais repéré des temps gris et brumeux, étrangement suspendus entre une impression de torpeur tropicale et de froid normand. Toutefois, rien du cadre réel que j’avais à disposition ne parvenait à rendre l’image juste, sans parler de la question des acteurs. Le temps à consacrer à de nouveaux repérages, à la recherche de cadrages idoines, au travail de retouche des images captées pour que ces images puissent rendre l’image hallucinée par les mots, ce temps finit par effacer le projet.

D’autant que ce texte de Duras c’est essentiellement cela : la création d’une temporalité. Dans le rythme lent d’une durée suspendue, l’instant fulgurant d’apparition d’une césure (le cri), qui lance une durée latente (l’histoire) qui ne se déroule pas, mais s’ancre au plus profond du lecteur : une mémoire temporelle qui ne passe plus, qui reste, demeure. Les mots suspendent une durée qu’ils ont installé, sans que le lecteur ne puisse saisir par quel processus. Dans L’amour, les mots hallucinent l’image fixe d’une durée.

Dès l’apparition de Midjourney , ce projet m’est revenu. Ce pouvait-il que cette IA générative image puisse mimer par le prompt to image ce process : mots hallucinant l’image sans que l’on puisse saisir par quel processus, tout en agissant dans un temps extrêmement court, une durée fulgurante ? A cette hypothèse procédurale s’est ajouté un aspect purement fonctionnel : il est de toute évidence extrêmement facile de générer une image avec l’IA ; il est aussi facile de se satisfaire du résultat que l’IA nous donne. Il est par contre plus difficile d’évaluer le résultat à l’aulne d’un désir ou de l’intentionnalité qui devait forcément accompagner, même de manière latente, la rédaction du prompt. Il est de fait extrêmement difficile d’être exigeant, face à l’IA, envers soi : le résultat donné est-il en relation avec le résultat attendu ? L’excède-t-il ? et pour quel effet ? A-t-il une insuffisance ? est-il totalement hors de propos ? comment y remédier ? Avec pour triple contrainte le texte, les images évoquées par le texte et la nécessaire unité - progression / rupture liée à une suite d’images, j’ai cherché à voir si Midjourney pouvait non générer des images mais halluciner mes images, celles que les mots de Duras avaient forgés en moi.

download 31 p. A4 .pdf (15.2 Mo) art theory visual art

Christian Perret 2024